Abrams Squad

Abrams Squad Abrams Squad nr 10 - B&W Bradley, NVA Type 63, Braille BMP-1, AUF1 GMT, JGSDF Type 90

Abrams Squad nr 10 -  B&W Bradley, NVA Type 63, Braille BMP-1, AUF1 GMT, JGSDF Type 90 - Image 1
Üretici firma: Abrams Squad
Ürün Kodu: ASQ10
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!
363.77 TRY veya 6000 puan.

İçerir0 % KDV
ülkeye gönderirken: Türkiye
Ülkeyi değiºtirmek için buraya tıklayın

Temel bilgiler

Ürün KoduASQ10
Ağırlık:0.33 kg
Kataloğa eklendi:21.4.2016
Etiketler:T-34 BMP-1 Bradley GCT-155mm Japan-Tank-Type-90
Üretici firmaAbrams Squad
Pla Editions S.L C/ Mayor 27 46191 Vilamarxant ispanya
Sorumlu kuruluºPla Editions S.L C/ Mayor 27 46191 Vilamarxant ispanya

Magazine contents:


4 – Commander’s Display Unit: A regular section devoted to news and reviews of model kits, aftermarkets, books and much more.

10 – Remote Thermal Sight: On this occasion, in the most acclaimed section by our readers, we take a look at an auxiliary vehicle, the T3 van from the Asian company Takom. Until now, it was really hard to fi nd these kinds of vehicles in scale, but the current market offers us more and more opportunities to add different vehicles to our collection

18 – M2A2 BRADLEY OPERATION DESERT STORM: A model fi nished by two friends: Paco Arévalo builds and Jose Luís López paints. The building and detailing of this oldie by Tamiya is the perfect base for Jose Luís, working with his well known style in Black and White, to achieve maximum appeal for this US IFV.

30– BMP-1 BRAILLE SCALE BATTLE HORSE: Mastering is only achieved with work, and Alex Clark is not missing any of that! This time he puts aside his usual theme (T-72’s) and fi nishes a very nice resin replica, taking it to the maximum with extra details.

36 – TYPE 63 WHEN THE CHINESE STEEL MET SAIGON: Javier Soler is a well-known modeller all around the world because of his works on modulation and lighting techniques. Using as his base a rarely seen vehicle, he shows us step-by-step how to come through safely with his techniques and fi nish the model with a second-to-none weathering job.

48 – AUF1 GCT FRENCH HELL FIRE: In Abrams Squad, we like to offer you all kinds of models, from different subjects and all nationalities. In this article, Sebastien Viale and Pierrick Boudehen joined skills to replicate the French self propelled gun AUF1 in 1/35.

56 – JGSDF TYPE 90 KYU-MARU : And if we talk about well-known fi gures, Luciano Rodriguez is one of them without doubt. Luciano’s work is recognized and admired by almost everybody. With this Japanese MBT, Luciano attains a level of detail and fi nish as only few can… and he explains it all to us.

66 – EL GOLOSO MUSEUM AND MILITARY BASE: Abrams Squad visits the Military Base of “El Goloso” (Madrid-Spain), that contains the Museum of Armored Vehicles of the Spanish Army. The (still) young collection as some unique pieces, and some of them in running condition! A ‘must see’ visit for any AFV afi cionado!

72 – Turret Basket: at the end of every issue you’ll find the kits that we’ll find in the market soon and some teasers of the next Abrams Squad Magazine.

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Bir inceleme ekleyin: Abrams Squad nr 10 - B&W Bradley, NVA Type 63, Braille BMP-1, AUF1 GMT, JGSDF Type 90

Temel bilgiler

yapımcıAbrams Squad
Pla Editions S.L C/ Mayor 27 46191 Vilamarxant ispanya
Sorumlu kuruluºPla Editions S.L C/ Mayor 27 46191 Vilamarxant ispanya

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Kataloğa eklendi: 21.4.2016
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!
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Benzer ürünler

Üretici firma: Abrams Squad
Ürün Kodu: ASQREF07
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

583.59 TRY veya 9600 puan.


Ölçek: 1:72
Üretici firma: OKB Grigorov
Ürün Kodu: OKB-S72226
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

459.01 TRY
En düºük fiyat: 612.67 TRY veya 11400 puan.

Ölçek: 1:35
Üretici firma: VoyagerModel.Co.Ltd
Ürün Kodu: VOY-PEA257
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

467.44 TRY veya 8700 puan.

Ölçek: 1:35
Üretici firma: DEF Model
Ürün Kodu: DEF-DM35147
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

564.89 TRY veya 10600 puan.

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Üretici firma: DEF Model
Ürün Kodu: DEF-DM35085
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

235.08 TRY veya 4400 puan.

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kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

636.09 TRY veya 11900 puan.

Üretici firma: AMMO of Mig Jimenez
Ürün Kodu: AMM-6512
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

472.94 TRY veya 7500 puan.

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Ürün Kodu: HBB81008
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

266 TRY veya 5000 puan.

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481.50 TRY veya 9000 puan.

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Üretici firma: Peddinghaus-Decals
Ürün Kodu: PED2983
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

315.66 TRY veya 5900 puan.

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kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

471.19 TRY veya 8800 puan.

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Ürün Kodu: BND-72015
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

218.22 TRY veya 4100 puan.