The decisive influence on the shaping of the organization and tactics of the German infantry before the outbreak of World War II was, on the one hand, the experience of the previous World War, but also theoretical works created in the 1920s and 1930s, which often emphasized the need to perceive the German infantry as a tool waging an offensive war. This affected both the equipment and the organization of the German infantry division, which during the September campaign of 1939 consisted of 3 infantry regiments, each of which was divided into 3 infantry battalions, an artillery company and an anti-tank company. In addition, there were numerous support units, including: an artillery regiment with 4 artillery squadrons (including one heavy), an anti-tank battalion, a sapper battalion and a communications battalion. In total, the so-called infantry division In the first mobilization wave, there were approximately 17,700 people and had a significant artillery component, but also was abundantly equipped with machine guns. It also had modern and efficient - for those times - means of communication and command. In the course of the war, infantry divisions underwent transformation - in 1943 some of them were transformed into armored grenadier divisions. However, from 1943, the standard division of the "traditional" infantry consisted of approx. 12,500 men (and not approx. 17,700 as in 1939), and its artillery component - especially heavy artillery - was also reduced in it, while its anti-tank defense was significantly improved. It is assumed that during the entire Second World War, about 350 infantry divisions served in the Wehrmacht.
The first attempts to use airborne units took place in the US armed forces in the early 1930s, but they turned out to be unsuccessful. Only the outbreak of World War II in Europe accelerated the development of this formation in the United States, and the first parachute unit in the history of the US Army was one of the platoons of the 29th Infantry Regiment, which in 1940 underwent appropriate training. One of the most important figures in the development of American airborne units was General William C. Lee, also known as the father of this formation. During World War II, two airborne divisions were formed: 82nd ("All American") and 101st ("Screaming Eagle"). American troops of this type played a huge role in the first days of the operation in Normandy (June 1944), but also fought later as part of Operation Market-Garden (1944) or Varsity (1945).
Sd.Kfz 251 was a German, medium, half-track armored transport from the Second World War. The first prototypes of the vehicle were made in 1935, and serial production continued in 1939-1945, ending with the production of about 14,500 units. The Sd.Kfz 251 was powered by a six-cylinder engine Maybach HL 42 TURKM with 100 hp .
Sd.Kfz 251 was developed as a new, basic half-tracked transporter of the German armed forces. Its design was based on the Sd.Kfz.11 heavy tractor, with several elements changed in the adapted chassis: a new fuel tank was added, the location of the steering wheel, and the exhaust system was redesigned. In the course of serial production, four basic versions of the Sd.Kfz 251 (Ausf. A, B, C and D) were created, however, in terms of details related to the production process (especially the C version) and a slightly different arrangement of elements inside the fuselage. During World War II, more than 20 variants and versions of the Sd.Kfz 251 were created. The chronological first was the Sd.Kfz 251/1, which was the basic version, armed with two MG34 or MG42 machine guns and capable of carrying up to 10 landing troops. In 1941, a version of the Sd.Kfz 251/2 was developed, armed with an 80 mm mortar. There was also a version of the Sd.Kfz 251/3, which was a communication and radio communication vehicle with various sets of radio stations and antennas. In 1942, the Sd.Kfz 251/9 Stummel variant was developed, armed with a 75mm StuK 37 short-barrel gun. More interesting versions were the Sd.Kfz 251/16 with two flamethrowers or the Sd.Kfz 251/20 UHU equipped with an infrared radiation emitter and intended for targeting at night. Cars Sd.Kfz 251 of all versions served primarily in armored divisions and armored grenadiers on virtually all fronts of World War II: from the September campaign (1939), through the campaign in France (1940), fighting in the Balkans and North Africa (1941-1943) after fights on the Eastern (1941-1945) and Western (1944-1945) fronts.