
Italeri 6195 Battle for the Reichstag 1945 - BATTLE SET

Battle for the Reichstag 1945 - BATTLE SET - Image 1
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Üretici firma: Italeri
Ürün Kodu: ita6195
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!
2895.61 TRY veya 55300 puan.

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Ürün Koduita6195
Ağırlık:3.20 kg
Kataloğa eklendi:20.11.2020
Etiketler:T-34 FlaK-37 Berlin-battle Russian-World-War-II-Infantry German-World-War-II-Panzergrenadier
Üretici firmaItaleri
Italeri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) İtalya
Sorumlu kuruluºItaleri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) İtalya

The Battle of Berlin, or the Battle of Berlin, is the last World War II land battle to be fought in Europe. Its main goal was to seize the capital of the Third Reich by the Red Army and thus bring the end of hostilities. This gigantic battle began on April 16, 1945 and ended on May 9 of the same year. It is estimated that about 750,000 people on the German side took part in it. soldiers, 1.5 thousand tanks and assault guns and approx. 2.2 thousand. aircraft. About 2.5 million fought on the Soviet side. soldiers, 6.3 thousand tanks and assault guns and approx. 7.5 thousand. aircraft. The Red Army also concentrated an incredible number of around 42,000 for this operation. cannon and mortars! The beginning of the operation began with the battles for the Seelow heights and the battles at Halbe. Soviet troops approached Berlin within a few days of starting the operation, starting bloody and heavy street fighting. Finally, the battle ended in a complete victory for the USSR, symbolized by both the suicide of Adolf Hitler on April 30, 1945 and the planting of the Soviet banner on the Reichstag. It is worth adding that Polish troops operating as part of the 1st Polish Army also took part in the operation.

The T-34 was a Soviet medium tank from the Second World War and the post-war period.

The first prototypes were built in 1937-1940, and serial production in the USSR was carried out in 1940-1957. About 84,000 vehicles of this type were built in its course, which makes the T-34 one of the most produced tanks in history! The drive was provided by a single engine V-2-34 with a power of 500 hp. The length of the car - in the T34 / 76 version - was 6.68 m, with a width of 3 meters. The armament consisted of a 76.2 mm F-34 gun and two 7.62 mm DT machineguns. The main armament in the T-34/85 version was the 85mm ZIS-S-53 gun.

The T-34 is undoubtedly one of the most famous tanks in the history of both World War II and military in general, representing a specific symbol of Soviet victory in the war with the Third Reich. The vehicle was developed for the needs of the Red Army as a successor to the so-called pursuit tanks from the BT series (BT-5 and BT-7), but also the T-26 tank. Work on the car started in 1937 in a special design office at the Steam Engine Factory in Kharkiv. Initially, the works were managed by Eng. Adolf Dik (he also made the first sketches of the new car), and after his arrest by the Soviet security authorities, Mikhail Koszkin managed the work. Initially, the vehicle was designated as A-20. However, a second prototype (A-32) was quickly built, with a main armament in the form of a 76.2 mm cannon and much thicker frontal armor. It was the latter prototype that was finally adopted for production. It can be assumed that when it was introduced into service, the TT-34 was a very successful tank in many respects. It was characterized - as in 1940 - with a very strong weapon, it had a well-profiled armor based on sloped armor plates, as well as very high mobility and off-road driving properties. The disadvantages include the very poor ergonomics of the car or the poor optics used in the first production batches. Despite these shortcomings, when the T-34 appeared on the Eastern Front, German troops were greatly surprised by it. The high overall rating of the T-34 and its combat values determined its mass production and making it the basic tank of the Red Army during the fights in 1942-1945. They also resulted in further improvements to the structure, e.g. in 1942 a new hexagonal tower appeared, improving the quality of work of crew members with the commander's cupola. The engine and gearbox were also improved. However, in 1944, the T-34/85 model was introduced into service, with a completely new three-man turret and the main armament in the form of an 85 mm cannon. The T-34 tank fought in virtually all major battles fought between the Red Army and the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front in 1941-1945: starting at the Battle of Moscow, through the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, Operation Bagration, and the capture of Berlin. After 1945, the T-34 tank was still in service, it was also widely exported outside the USSR to countries such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, East Germany, Hungary and Syria.

In the 1920s and - especially - in the 1930s, the Red Army underwent a rapid development in terms of increasing its posts, as well as increasing saturation with technical weapons, primarily armored weapons. Still, the infantry was the primary and numerically largest element of the Red Army. The intensive quantitative development of this type of weapon began at the turn of 1929/1930. In 1939, even before the aggression against Poland, the Soviet infantry was formed into 173 divisions (so-called rifle divisions), most of which were grouped in 43 corps. It is worth adding that after the September campaign in 1939, this number increased even more. The Soviet rifle division in 1941 consisted of three rifle regiments (three battalions each), an artillery regiment, after an anti-tank and anti-aircraft artillery division, as well as reconnaissance and communication battalions. In total, it numbered about 14,500 people. However, by 1945 this position underwent significant changes, leading to a division of approximately 11,500-12,000 people, consisting of three infantry regiments, an artillery brigade consisting of three regiments, a self-propelled artillery squadron and many support units, including anti-tank, anti-aircraft weapons or communications. The saturation of infantry units with machine weapons has also increased significantly - for example with the submachine guns APsZ 41, and later APsZ 43.

Panzergrenadier is a German term for a formation of panzer grenadiers, i.e. infantry units trained to fight in close cooperation with their own tanks. This term was officially used in 1942, when infantry divisions were renamed grenadier divisions and motorized infantry divisions into panzer grenadier divisions. It is worth adding that in the years 1937-1942, the Schützen Regiment was used to describe the infantry regiments serving in armored units. Theoretically, the basic equipment of armored grenadier divisions was to be armored half-tracked transporters, especially Sd.Kfz.251, but due to insufficient production, these infantry were often transported by trucks. As a standard, an armored grenadier division consisted of three infantry regiments, two battalions in each regiment and numerous support units, including anti-tank, anti-aircraft, sapper and communication units. Self-propelled guns, such as the StuG III, were often used in these formations. It is worth adding that the armored grenadier divisions were formed not only in the Wehrmacht, but also in the Waffen SS - for example the Totenkopf Division or the Hohenstaufen Division.

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Italeri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) İtalya
Sorumlu kuruluºItaleri S.p.A Via Pradazzo, 6/B l-40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna) İtalya

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