
Peddinghaus-Decals 35W057 German soldier walking in greycoat with steelhelmet and Karabiner 98k

German soldier walking in greycoat with steelhelmet and Karabiner 98k - Image 1
Ölçek: 1:35
Üretici firma: Peddinghaus-Decals
Ürün Kodu: PED35W057
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!
513.99 TRY veya 9800 puan.

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ülkeye gönderirken: Türkiye
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Temel bilgiler

Ürün KoduPED35W057
Ağırlık:0.02 kg
Kataloğa eklendi:25.5.2023
Üretici firmaPeddinghaus-Decals
Peddinghaus-Decals Beethovenstr. 20 58675 Hemer Almanya
Sorumlu kuruluºPeddinghaus-Decals Beethovenstr. 20 58675 Hemer Almanya

The decisive influence on the shaping of the organization and tactics of the German infantry before the outbreak of World War II was, on the one hand, the experience of the previous World War, but also theoretical works created in the 1920s and 1930s, which often emphasized the need to perceive the German infantry as a tool waging an offensive war. This affected both the equipment and the organization of the German infantry division, which during the September campaign of 1939 consisted of 3 infantry regiments, each of which was divided into 3 infantry battalions, an artillery company and an anti-tank company. In addition, there were numerous support units, including: an artillery regiment with 4 artillery squadrons (including one heavy), an anti-tank battalion, a sapper battalion and a communications battalion. In total, the so-called infantry division In the first mobilization wave, there were approximately 17,700 people and had a significant artillery component, but also was abundantly equipped with machine guns. It also had modern and efficient - for those times - means of communication and command. In the course of the war, infantry divisions underwent transformation - in 1943 some of them were transformed into armored grenadier divisions. However, from 1943, the standard division of the "traditional" infantry consisted of approx. 12,500 men (and not approx. 17,700 as in 1939), and its artillery component - especially heavy artillery - was also reduced in it, while its anti-tank defense was significantly improved. It is assumed that during the entire Second World War, about 350 infantry divisions served in the Wehrmacht.

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Temel bilgiler

Peddinghaus-Decals Beethovenstr. 20 58675 Hemer Almanya
Sorumlu kuruluºPeddinghaus-Decals Beethovenstr. 20 58675 Hemer Almanya

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Kataloğa eklendi: 25.5.2023
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