Temel bilgiler
Ürün Kodu | rpm72002 |
Ağırlık: | 0.10 kg |
Ölçek | 1:72 |
Kataloğa eklendi: | 8.5.2006 |
Etiketler: | PWS-16 |
Üretici firma | RPM Aeroplast Janowskiego 42, 02-784 Warszawa Polonya |
Sorumlu kuruluº | Aeroplast Janowskiego 42, 02-784 Warszawa Polonya |
Samolot szkolno-treningowy dla dwoch pilotow. W koñcu 1933 r. prototyp PWS-16 wykona³ pierwszy lot. W zimie 1933/1934 samolot przeszed³ próby w Instytucie Badañ Technicznych Lotnictwa. W 1934 r. na zamówienie wojska zosta³a wyprodukowana seria 20 samolotów PWS-16. W roku 1934 in¿.A.Bobek-Zdaniewski zmodernizowa³ fabryczny PWS-16 dostosowuj±c go do nauki strzelania - zamontowano na nim karabin maszynowy. Samolot zosta³ ulepszony przez zastosowanie szerszej os³ony silnika, os³ony ga¼nika, pogrubienie kad³uba, zmianê obrysu usterzenia, przeniesienie zbiornika ze skrzyd³a w kad³ub itp. Ponadto zmieniono podwozie na trójgoleniowe z amortyzatorami podpartymi do boków kad³uba. Samolot do¶æ wyra¼nie zmieni³ wygl±d i otrzyma³ oznaczenie PWS-16 bis. Prototyp przeszed³ próby w IBTL w zimie 1934/1935 r. W latach 1935-1936 zbudowano ³acznie 20 samolotów PWS-16 bis.
A training plane for two Polish pilots in a mixed biplane structure. At the end of 1933, the PWS-16 prototype made its first flight. In the winter of 1933/1934, the plane underwent tests at the Aviation Technical Research Institute (IBTL). In 1934, a series of 20 PWS-16 aircraft was produced at the request of the military. In the same year, Eng. A. Bobek-Zdaniewski modernized the factory PWS-16, adapting it to the training of shooting - a machine gun was mounted on it. The plane has been improved by using a wider engine casing, carburetor cover, thickening of the fuselage, changing the shape of the tail, etc. The landing gear has also changed. The plane changed its appearance quite significantly and received the designation PWS-16 bis. The prototype underwent trials at the IBTL in the winter of 1934/1935. In the years 1935-1936, a total of 20 PWS-16 bis aircraft were built. The planes were replaced by PWS-26 relatively quickly, and the owned planes went to Bulgaria and Spain, vide Portugal. Technical data (PWS-16bis version): length: 7m, wingspan: 9m, height: 2.7m, maximum speed: 206km / h, climb speed: 4.5m / s, practical ceiling: 4400m, maximum range: 550km, armament: permanent - 1 Vickers wz. 33 cal. 7.7 mm, suspended - up to 25 kg of bombs.
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Temel bilgiler
yapımcı | RPM Aeroplast Janowskiego 42, 02-784 Warszawa Polonya |
Sorumlu kuruluº | Aeroplast Janowskiego 42, 02-784 Warszawa Polonya |
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