
Airfix 03305 RAF Recovery Set

RAF Recovery Set - Image 1
Ölçek: 1:76
Üretici firma: Airfix
Ürün Kodu: afx03305
kullanılabilirlik: stoklar tükendi
Son müsait: 9.1.2023
481.50 TRY veya 9000 puan.

İçerir0 % KDV
ülkeye gönderirken: Türkiye
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Temel bilgiler

Ürün Koduafx03305
Ağırlık:0.17 kg
Boyut144 x 195 mm
Eleman sayısı35
Kataloğa eklendi:30.10.2004
Etiketler:Bedford-O British-World-War-II-RAF-Personnel
Üretici firmaAirfix
Hornby Hobbies Limited Enterprise Road, Westwood Industrial Estate, Margate CT9 4JX Margate Büyük Britanya
Sorumlu kuruluº"S.K. MODEL" Spó³ka z ograniczon± odpowiedzialno¶ci± Jednoro¿ca 1A 80-299 Gdañsk Polonya

The RAF (full English name: Royal Air Force) is the British Air Force that began to bear this name in April 1918. Previously, it was known as the Royal Flying Corps. From April 1918, they also became an independent air force, not under the command of the army or navy. It is worth adding that at the end of the Great War, the RAF had approx. 4,000 people. pilots and as many as approx. 115 thousand. ground staff people. In the interwar period, its number decreased significantly, and their participation in even local armed conflicts was relatively small. However, in the face of the coming war in 1936, the RAF was reorganized, separating three commands within it: Coastal Defense (ang. Coastal Command) , hunting Fighter Command ) and Bomber Command. The construction of a radar network called Chain Home was also developed, which provided invaluable services during the Battle of Britain in 1940. During the course of World War II, the RAF's personnel grew steadily, reaching its peak in 1944, more than 1.1 million! Of course, a large part of them were conscripts with appropriate training. The organizational structure of the RAF also changed - an example is the division Fighter Command at the end of 1943 on Air Defense Great Britain (forces dedicated to the defense of the British Isles) and 2 Tactical Air Force (forces dedicated to supporting land forces).

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Temel bilgiler

Hornby Hobbies Limited Enterprise Road, Westwood Industrial Estate, Margate CT9 4JX Margate Büyük Britanya
Sorumlu kuruluº"S.K. MODEL" Spó³ka z ograniczon± odpowiedzialno¶ci± Jednoro¿ca 1A 80-299 Gdañsk Polonya

Güvenlik Bilgileri

Produkt zawiera drobne elementy.
Nie przeznaczony dla dzieci poni¿ej 14 roku ¿ycia. U¿ywaæ pod nadzorem osoby doros³ej.
Ryzyko ud³awienia siê.
Trzymaæ z daleka od zwierz±t.

Kataloğa eklendi: 30.10.2004
kullanılabilirlik: stoklar tükendi
  • öğe mevcut
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  • öğe istek üzerine mevcuttur
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  • 1 adet.
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  • 3-5 adet.
  • 6-10 adet.
  • üstünde 10 adet.
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Benzer ürünler

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