
Zvezda 3561 Russian Special Forces

Russian Special Forces - Image 1
Ölçek: 1:35
Üretici firma: Zvezda
Ürün Kodu: zve3561
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!
354.07 TRY veya 6600 puan.

İçerir0 % KDV
ülkeye gönderirken: Türkiye
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Temel bilgiler

Ürün Koduzve3561
Ağırlık:0.07 kg
Kataloğa eklendi:30.10.2004
Üretici firmaZvezda
Zvezda LLC. Promyshlenaya str., 2 141730 Lobnya, Moscow reg. Rusya
Sorumlu kuruluºHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Avusturya

Spetsnaz (the current name is the Special Purpose Forces of the Russian Federation) is a collective term for Soviet, and now Russian, special forces primarily to perform tasks for the regular armed forces. Units of this type were already used during World War II, but their particularly intensive development took place after 1945. Perhaps at the peak of its development, the number of Spetsnaz soldiers reached about 30,000. soldiers. The troops of this formation took a particularly intensive part in the war in Afghanistan (1979-1989), suffering high losses there, often showing great standing on the battlefield and courage, but also rare cruelty towards the enemy. After the collapse of the USSR, many Spetsnaz soldiers joined such elite units as Alpha, Wympie³ or Zenit. It is worth adding that the soldiers of this formation (Spetsnaz) have undergone and are still undergoing very hard physical and mental training, in which, apart from typical combat skills, they are also taught to deal with situations of capture by the enemy and interrogation or torture.

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Temel bilgiler

Zvezda LLC. Promyshlenaya str., 2 141730 Lobnya, Moscow reg. Rusya
Sorumlu kuruluºHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Avusturya

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Trzymaæ z daleka od zwierz±t.

Kataloğa eklendi: 30.10.2004
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!
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