Temel bilgiler
Ürün Kodu | rpm35905 |
Ağırlık: | 0.10 kg |
Ean: | 5903217009222 |
Ölçek | 1:35 |
Kataloğa eklendi: | 3.3.2006 |
Etiketler: | Taisho3 |
Üretici firma | RPM Aeroplast Janowskiego 42, 02-784 Warszawa Polonya |
Sorumlu kuruluº | Aeroplast Janowskiego 42, 02-784 Warszawa Polonya |
Japonski karabin maszynowy Taisho 3 zostal wprowadzony na wyposazenie armi w 1914r. i uzywano go do zakonczenia 2WS. Konstrukcja zostala oparta na wzorze francuskiego karabinu Hotchkiss model 1900. Karabiny maszynowe tego typu posiadaly specjalne magazynki amunicji, ktore przed zaladowaniem trzeba bylo spryskac olejem aby mechanizm wewnetrzny podczas strzelania nie zacinal sie.
The Japanese Type 3 Taisho heavy machine gun was introduced to the army in 1914 and its production continued until 1932. It was used throughout the Second World War, when it was the basic machine gun of the Japanese army. The design was based on the pattern of the French Hotchkiss model 1900 rifle, but was recalibrated to 6.5mm. Machine guns of this type had special ammunition magazines, which had to be sprayed with oil before loading so that the internal mechanism would not jam during shooting. Technical data: barrel length: 737mm, range: 4000m, caliber: 6.5mm, rifle weight: 29kg, projectile initial velocity: 740m / s, theoretical rate of fire: 450rpm.
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Temel bilgiler
yapımcı | RPM Aeroplast Janowskiego 42, 02-784 Warszawa Polonya |
Sorumlu kuruluº | Aeroplast Janowskiego 42, 02-784 Warszawa Polonya |
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