
Tamiya 14037 Yamaha RZV500R

Yamaha RZV500R - Image 1
Ölçek: 1:12
Üretici firma: Tamiya
Ürün Kodu: tam14037
kullanılabilirlik: stoklar tükendi
Son müsait: 9.1.2023
1318.19 TRY veya 23400 puan.

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ülkeye gönderirken: Türkiye
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Temel bilgiler

Ürün Kodutam14037
Ağırlık:0.30 kg
Boyutd³. 174 mm
BoyamakX1,X11,X12,X18,X2 ,X26,X27,X7 ,XF1,XF16,XF56
Kataloğa eklendi:30.10.2004
Üretici firmaTamiya
Tamiya, INC 3-7 Ondawara 422-8610 Suruga-Ku, Shizuoka Japonya
Sorumlu kuruluºHIT-BIS Spó³ka z o.o. Zwyciêzców 6A/4 03-941 Warszawa Polonya

The Yamaha RZV500R (another name: Yamaha RD500LC) is a Japanese sports motorcycle that was first presented to the public in 1984. Its serial production started at the same time and continued until 1986. The RZV500R was designed and launched to complement Yamaha Motor Corporation's commercial offering and to commercialize Kenneth Roberts' success in Grand Prix racing on the YZR500. At its core, the Yamaha RZV500R is precisely the modernization of this motorcycle. The drive uses the same 4-cylinder engine, but with a power of 88HP, it works with a 6-speed gearbox. The differences in nomenclature between the RZV500R and RD500LC models stem from the fact that the former was produced for the domestic market, and the latter - for export. The differences between them are marginal, and the most important is the fact that the first (RZV500R) is based on an aluminum frame, and the second - on a steel one. In the "Japanese" version, the maximum power was also limited to 64 HP, which resulted from the then law in the Land of the Rising Sun.

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Temel bilgiler

Tamiya, INC 3-7 Ondawara 422-8610 Suruga-Ku, Shizuoka Japonya
Sorumlu kuruluºHIT-BIS Spó³ka z o.o. Zwyciêzców 6A/4 03-941 Warszawa Polonya

Güvenlik Bilgileri

Produkt zawiera drobne elementy.
Nie przeznaczony dla dzieci poni¿ej 14 roku ¿ycia. U¿ywaæ pod nadzorem osoby doros³ej.
Ryzyko ud³awienia siê.
Trzymaæ z daleka od zwierz±t.

Kataloğa eklendi: 30.10.2004
kullanılabilirlik: stoklar tükendi
  • öğe mevcut
  • öğe mevcut değil
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