PST 72032 ZIS-42/42M Half-Truck

ZIS-42/42M Half-Truck - Image 1
Ölçek: 1:72
Üretici firma: PST
Ürün Kodu: PST72032
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!
404.67 TRY veya 7600 puan.

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ülkeye gönderirken: Türkiye
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Temel bilgiler

Ürün KoduPST72032
Ağırlık:0.13 kg
Eleman sayısı147
Kataloğa eklendi:2.3.2009
Üretici firmaPST
PST ( PromSnabTorg) 6, Skriganova str. 220079 Minsk Belarus
Sorumlu kuruluº

The ZiS-42 was a Soviet half-track transporter from the Second World War. The vehicle had a total length of 6.1 meters, a width of 2.36 meters and a height of 2.95 meters. It reached a maximum speed of 45 km / h and was able to carry a load of 2.25 tons. A 73 or 85 HP engine served as the drive.

The ZiS-42 was created as a modernization of the earlier ZiS-22 and ZiS-22M transporter and used many components of the mass-produced ZiS-5 truck. The new vehicle was created as a military vehicle, which was supposed to be a universal transport vehicle capable of moving both on the road and off-road, with emphasis primarily on the latter aspect. However, the ZiS-42 did not meet the assumptions in practice. The use of the same engine as in the ZiS-5 (later the one from the ZiS-16 vehicle) meant that the vehicle did not perform well in the field due to the fact that the engine power was too low. Moreover, it turned out to be a rather emergency vehicle. Despite these shortcomings, approximately 5,900 units of this vehicle were manufactured in the years 1942-1944.

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Temel bilgiler

PST ( PromSnabTorg) 6, Skriganova str. 220079 Minsk Belarus
Sorumlu kuruluº

Güvenlik Bilgileri

Produkt zawiera drobne elementy.
Nie przeznaczony dla dzieci poni¿ej 14 roku ¿ycia. U¿ywaæ pod nadzorem osoby doros³ej.
Ryzyko ud³awienia siê.
Trzymaæ z daleka od zwierz±t.

Kataloğa eklendi: 2.3.2009
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!
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Ölçek: 1:72
Üretici firma: PST
Ürün Kodu: PST72033
kullanılabilirlik: Stokta var!

404.67 TRY veya 7600 puan.